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فایل ها
Commander One
A dual pane file manager for Mac with built in FTP client, supporting full set of protocols (FTP, SFTP, FTPS). Fully compatible with OS X 10.11. Download link...
اندازه فایل: هیچکدام FTP Client Software
There is a free version of WS_FTP Client Software for Microsoft Windows OS.
اندازه فایل: هیچکدام
A dual pane file manager for Mac with built in FTP client, supporting full set of protocols (FTP, SFTP, FTPS). Fully compatible with OS X 10.11. Download link...
اندازه فایل: هیچکدام FTP Client Software
There is a free version of WS_FTP Client Software for Microsoft Windows OS.
اندازه فایل: هیچکدام